Reducing the Resources Required by ADAPT-VQE Using Coupled Exchange Operators and Improved Subroutines
Mafalda Ramôa, Panagiotis G. Anastasiou, Luis Paulo Santos, Nicholas J. Mayhall, Edwin Barnes, Sophia E. Economou
Preprint, (2024): preprintHow to really measure operator gradients in ADAPT-VQE
Panagiotis G. Anastasiou, Nicholas J. Mayhall, Edwin Barnes, Sophia E. Economou
Preprint, (2023): preprintHow Much Entanglement Do Quantum Optimization Algorithms Require?
Yanzhu Chen, Linghua Zhu, Chenxu Liu, Nicholas J. Mayhall, Edwin Barnes, Sophia E. Economou
Preprint, (2022): preprintAdaptive variational algorithms for quantum Gibbs state preparation
Ada Warren, Linghua Zhu, Nicholas J. Mayhall, Edwin Barnes, Sophia E. Economou
Preprint, (2022): preprintParameterization and optimizability of pulse-level VQEs
Kyle M Sherbert, Hisham Amer, Sophia E Economou, Edwin Barnes, Nicholas J. Mayhall
Physical Review Applied, Accepted (2025): preprintLewis Base Enhanced C–H Bond Functionalization Mediated by A Diiron Imido Complex
Reilly Gwinn, Trevor Latendresse, Owen Beck, Carla Slebodnick, Nicholas J. Mayhall, Claire Casaday, Diana Thornton
Inorganic Chemistry, ASAP (2025): articleMinimal evolution times for fast, pulse-based state preparation in silicon spin qubits
Christopher K. Long, Nicholas J. Mayhall, Sophia E. Economou, Edwin Barnes, Crispin H. W. Barnes, Frederico Martins, David R. M. Arvidsson-Shukur, Normann Mertig
npj Quantum Information, Accepted (2025): preprintReducing measurement costs by recycling the Hessian in adaptive variational quantum algorithms
Mafalda Ramôa, Luis Paulo Santos, Nicholas J. Mayhall, Edwin Barnes, Sophia E. Economou
Quantum Science and Technology, Quantum Sci. Technol. 10, 015031 (2025): article | preprintRestricted Open-shell cluster Mean-Field theory for Strongly Correlated Systems
Arnab Bachhar, Nicholas J. Mayhall
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 128, 41, 9015 (2024): article | preprintPhysically motivated improvements of Variational Quantum Eigensolvers
Nonia Vaquero-Sabater, Abel Carreras, Román Orús, Nicholas J. Mayhall, David Casanova
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation , 20, 5133 (2024): article | preprintAccurate and Interpretable Representation of Correlated Electronic Structure via Tensor Product Selected CI
Nicole M. Braunscheidel, Arnab Bachhar, Nicholas J. Mayhall
Faraday Discussions, 254, 130-156 (2024): article | preprintTribute to Krishnan Raghavachari
Hrant P. Hratchian, Amir Karton, Nicholas J. Mayhall
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 13, 2523 (2024): articleScaling adaptive quantum simulation algorithms via operator pool tiling
John S. Van Dyke, Karunya Shirali, George S. Barron, Nicholas J. Mayhall, Edwin Barnes, Sophia E. Economou
Phys. Rev. Res. , 6, 012030 (2024): article | preprintTETRIS-ADAPT-VQE: An adaptive algorithm that yields shallower, denser circuit ansätze
Panagiotis G. Anastasiou, Yanzhu Chen, Nicholas J. Mayhall, Edwin Barnes, Sophia E. Economou
Phys. Rev. Res., 6, 013254 (2024): article | preprintGeneralization of the tensor product selected CI method for molecular excited states
Nicole M. Braunscheidel, Vibin Abraham, Nicholas J. Mayhall
J. Phys. Chem. A, ``Krishnan Raghavachari Festschrift '' (2023): article | preprintQuantum simulation of molecular response properties
Ashutosh Kumar, Ayush Asthana, Vibin Abraham, T. Daniel Crawford, Nicholas J. Mayhall, Yu Zhang, Lukasz Cincio, Sergei Tretiak, Pavel A. Dub
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 19, 9136 (2023): article | preprintLeakage Reduces Device Coherence Demands for Pulse-Level Molecular Simulation
Ayush Asthana, Chenxu Liu, Oinam Romesh Meitei, Sophia E. Economou, Edwin Barnes, Nicholas J. Mayhall
Physical Review Applied, 19, 064071 (2023): article | preprintAvoiding symmetry roadblocks and minimizing the measurement overhead of adaptive variational quantum eigensolvers
V. O. Shkolnikov, Nicholas J. Mayhall, Sophia E. Economou, Edwin Barnes
Quantum 7, 1040 (2023): article | preprintAdaptive, problem-tailored variational quantum eigensolver mitigates rough parameter landscapes and barren plateaus
Harper R. Grimsley, George S. Barron, Edwin Barnes, Sophia E. Economou, Nicholas J. Mayhall
npj Quantum Information, 19 (2023): article | preprintQuantum self-consistent equation-of-motion method for computing molecular excitation energies, ionization potentials, and electron affinities on a quantum computer
Ayush Asthana, Ashutosh Kumar, Vibin Abraham, Harper Grimsley, Yu Zhang, Lukasz Cincio, Sergei Tretiak, Pavel A. Dub, Sophia E. Economou, Edwin Barnes, Nicholas J. Mayhall
Chemical Science, (2023): article | preprintNew Local Explorations of the Unitary Coupled Cluster Energy Landscape
Harper R. Grimsley and Nicholas J. Mayhall
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 18, 7350–7358 (2022): article | preprintSymmetry breaking slows convergence of the ADAPT Variational Quantum Eigensolver
Luke W. Bertels, Harper R. Grimsley, Sophia E. Economou, Edwin Barnes, Nicholas J. Mayhall
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 18, 6656 (2022): article | preprintONIOM Method with Charge Transfer Corrections (ONIOM-CT): Analytic Gradients and Benchmarking
Vikrant Tripathy, Nicholas J. Mayhall, and Krishnan Raghavachari
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 18, 6052–6064 (2022): articleAdaptive quantum approximate optimization algorithm for solving combinatorial problems on a quantum computer
Linghua Zhu, Ho Lun Tang, George S. Barron, Nicholas J. Mayhall, Edwin Barnes, Sophia E. Economou
Phys. Rev. Research, 4, 033029 (2022): article | preprintCoupled electron pair-type approximations for tensor product state wavefunctions
Vibin Abraham and Nicholas J. Mayhall
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 18, 4856 (2022): article | preprintPreparing Bethe Ansatz Eigenstates on a Quantum Computer
John S. Van Dyke, George S. Barron, Nicholas J. Mayhall, Edwin Barnes, Sophia E. Economou
PRX Quantum, 2, 040329 (2021): article | preprintGate-free state preparation for fast variational quantum eigensolver simulations
Oinam Romesh Meitei*, Bryan T. Gard*, George S. Barron, David P. Pappas, Sophia E. Economou, Edwin Barnes, Nicholas J. Mayhall
npj Quantum Information, 7, 155 (2021): article | preprint *Co-first authorsRevealing the Contest between Triplet–Triplet Exchange and Triplet-Triplet Energy Transfer Coupling in Correlated Triplet Pair States in Singlet Fission
Vibin Abraham and Nicholas J. Mayhall
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 12, 10505-10514 (2021): article | preprintPreserving Symmetries for Variational Quantum Eigensolvers in the Presence of Noise
George S. Barron, Bryan T. Gard, Orien J. Altman, Nicholas J. Mayhall, Edwin Barnes, Sophia E. Economou
Phys. Rev. Applied 16, 034003, (2021): article | preprintSoftware for the frontiers of quantum chemistry: An overview of developments in the Q-Chem 5 package
E. Epifanovsky, et al.
J. Chem. Phys., 155, 084801 (2021): articleCluster many-body expansion: a many-body expansion of the electron correlation energy about a cluster mean-field reference
Vibin Abraham and Nicholas J. Mayhall
J. Chem. Phys., 155, 054101 (2021): article | preprint | Invited article | Editor's Pickqubit-ADAPT-VQE: An adaptive algorithm for constructing hardware-efficient ansatze on a quantum processor
Ho Lun Tang, V. O. Shkolnikov, George S. Barron, Harper R. Grimsley, Nicholas J. Mayhall, Edwin Barnes, Sophia E. Economou
PRX Quantum , 2, 020310 (2021): article | preprintSpin-flip pair-density functional theory: A practical approach to treat static and dynamical correlations in large molecules
Oinam Romesh Meitei and Nicholas J. Mayhall
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 17, 2906–2916 (2021): article | preprintSelected Configuration Interaction in a Basis of Cluster State Tensor Products
Vibin Abraham and Nicholas J. Mayhall
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 16, 6098-6113 (2020): article | preprintSpin-Orbit Matrix Elements for a Combined Spin-Flip and IP/EA Approach
Oinam Meitei, Shannon Houck, Nicholas J. Mayhall
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 16, 3597-3606 (2020): article | preprintEfficient Symmetry-Preserving State Preparation Circuits for the Variational Quantum Eigensolver Algorithm
Bryan T. Gard, Linghua Zhu, George S. Barron, N. J. Mayhall, Sophia E. Economou, Edwin Barnes
npj Quantum Inf, 6, 10 (2020): article | preprintIs the Trotterized UCCSD Ansatz chemically well-defined?
Harper R. Grimsley, Daniel Claudino, Edwin Barnes, Sophia E. Economou, and N. J. Mayhall
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 16, 1-6 (2020): article | preprintSimple and efficient truncation of virtual spaces in embedded wave functions via concentric localization
Daniel Claudino, N. J. Mayhall
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 15, 6085-6096 (2019): article | preprintMultireference Ab Initio Studies of Magnetic Properties of Terbium-Based Single-Molecule Magnets
Ryan Pederson, Aleksander L. Wysocki, N. J. Mayhall, Kyungwha Park
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 123, 6996-7006 (2019): article | preprintAn adaptive variational algorithm for exact molecular simulations on a quantum computer
Harper R. Grimsley, Sophia E. Economou, Edwin Barnes, N. J. Mayhall
Nature Communications, 10, 3007, (2019): article | preprintA Combined Spin-Flip and IP/EA Approach for Handling Spin and Spatial Degeneracies: Application to Double Exchange Systems
Shannon E. Houck, N. J. Mayhall
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 15, 2278-2290 (2019): article | preprintAutomatic Partition of Orbital Spaces Based on Singular Value Decomposition in the Context of Embedding Theories
Daniel Claudino, N. J. Mayhall
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 15, 1053-1064 (2019): article | preprintNegative exchange interactions in coupled few-electron quantum dots
Kuangyin Deng, F. A. Calderon-Vargas, N. J. Mayhall, Edwin Barnes
Physical Reviews B, 97, 245301 (2018): article | preprintA Simple Rule to Predict Boundedness of Multi-Exciton States in Covalently-linked Singlet Fission Dimers
Vibin Abraham and N. J. Mayhall
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 8, 5472-5478, (2017): articleUsing higher-order singular value decomposition to define weakly coupled and strongly correlated cluster states: the n-body Tucker approximation
N. J. Mayhall
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 13, 4818-4828, (2017): articleFrom model Hamiltonians to ab initio Hamiltonians and back again: Using single excitation quantum chemistry methods to find multiexciton states in singlet fission materials
N. J. Mayhall
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 12, 4263-4273, (2016): articleComputational Quantum Chemistry For Multiple Site Heisenberg Spin Couplings Made Simple: Still Only One Spin Flip Required
N. J. Mayhall and M. Head-Gordon
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6, 1982-1988, (2015)Advances in molecular quantum chemistry contained in the Q-Chem 4 program package
Y. Shao, et al.
Molecular Physics, 113, 184-215, (2014)Computational quantum chemistry for single Heisenberg spin couplings made simple: Just one spin flip required
N. J. Mayhall and M. Head-Gordon
Journal of Chemical Physics, 141, 134111, (2014)Spin-Flip Non-Orthogonal Configuration Interaction: A variational and almost black-box method for describing strong correlation
N. J. Mayhall, P. Horn, E. J. Sundstrom, and M. Head-Gordon
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16, 22694-22705, (2014)Increasing spin-flips and decreasing cost: Perturbative corrections for external singles to the complete active space spin flip model for low-lying excited states and strong correlation
N. J. Mayhall and M. Head-Gordon
Journal of Chemical Physics, 141, 044112, (2014)A Quasidegenerate Second-Order Perturbation Theory Approximation to RAS-nSF for Excited States and Strong Correlations
N. J. Mayhall, M. Goldey, and M. Head-Gordon
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 10, 589-599, (2014)On the Formation of Silacyclopropenylidene (c-SiC2H2) and its Role in the Organosilicon Chemistry in the Interstellar Medium
D. S. N. Parker, A. V. Wilson, R. I. Kaiser, N. J. Mayhall, M. Head-Gordon, and A. G. G. M. Tielens
Astrophysical Journal, 770, 33, (2013)A Composite Energy Treatment for Sterically Hindered Cluster Models for the Si(100) Surface
B. C. Gamoke, N. J. Mayhall, and K. Raghavachari
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 8, 5132-5136, (2012)Many-Overlapping-Body (MOB) Expansion: A Generalized Many Body Expansion for Nondisjoint Monomers in Molecular Fragmentation Calculations of Covalent Molecules
N. J. Mayhall and K. Raghavachari
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 8, 2669-2675, (2012)Modeling Nonperiodic Adsorption on Periodic Surfaces: A Composite Energy Approach for Low-Coverage Limits
B. C. Gamoke, N. J. Mayhall, and K. Raghavachari
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116, 12048-12054, (2012)Properties of metal oxide clusters in non-traditional oxidation states
J. E. Mann, N. J. Mayhall, and C. C. Jarrold
Chemical Physics Letters, 525-526, 1-12, (2012)Molecules-in-Molecules: A Hybrid-Energy Fragmentation Approach for Accurate Calculations on Large Molecules and Materials
N. J. Mayhall and K. Raghavachari
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 7, 1336-1343, (2011)Molybdenum Oxides vs. Molybdenum Sulfides: Geometric and Electronic Structures of Mo3Xy− (X=O, S and y=6, 9) Clusters
N. J. Mayhall, E. L. Becher, A. Chowdhury, K. Raghavachari
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 115, 2291-2296, (2011)Charge transfer across ONIOM QM:QM boundaries: The impact of model system preparation
N. J. Mayhall and K. Raghavachari
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 6, 3131-3136 (2010)A Proton Hop Paves the Way for Hydroxyl Migration: Theoretical Elucidation of Fluxionality in Transition Metal Oxide Clusters
R. Ramabhadran, N. J. Mayhall, K. Raghavachari
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 1, 3066-3071 (2010)Multiple solutions to the single-reference CCSD equations for NiH
N. J. Mayhall, K. Raghavachari
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 6, 2714 (2010)ONIOM-based QM:QM electronic embedding method using Lowdin atomic charges: Energies and analytic gradients
N. J. Mayhall, K. Raghavachari, H. P. Hratchian
Journal of Chemical Physics, 132, 114107 (2010)Termination of the W2Oy- + H2O/D2O → W2Oy+1-+H2/D2 sequential oxidation reaction: An exploration of kinetic versus thermodynamic effects
D. W. Rothgeb, E. Hossain, N. J. Mayhall, K. Raghavachari, C. C. Jarrold
Journal of Chemical Physics, 131, 144306 (2009)Water Reactivity with Tungsten Oxides: H2 Production and Kinetic Traps
N. J. Mayhall, D. W. Rothgeb, E. Hossain, C. C. Jarrold, K. Raghavachari
Journal of Chemical Physics, 131, 144302 (2009)Electronic structures of MoWOy- and MoWOy determined by anion photoelectron spectroscopy and DFT calculations
N. J. Mayhall, D. W. Rothgeb, E. Hossain, K. Raghavachari, C. C. Jarrold
Journal of Chemical Physics, 130, 124313 (2009)Investigation of G4 Theory for Transition Metal Thermochemistry
N. J. Mayhall, K. Raghavachari, P. C. Redfern, L. A. Curtiss
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 113 5170-5175 (2009)Unusual products observed in gas-phase WxOy- + H2O and D2O reactions
D. W. Rothgeb, E. Hossain, A. T. Kuo, J. L. Troyer, C. C. Jarrold, N. J. Mayhall, K. Raghavachari
Journal of Chemical Physics, 130, 124314 (2009)Toward accurate thermochemical models for transition metals: G3Large basis sets for atoms Sc-Zn
N. J. Mayhall, K. Raghavachari, P. C. Redfern, L. A. Curtiss, V. Rassolov
Journal of Chemical Physics, 128, 144122 (2008)Two Methanes are Better than One: A Density Functional Theory Study of the Reactions of Mo2Oy- (y = 2-5) with Methane
N. J. Mayhall, K. Raghavachari
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 111, 8211-8217 (2007)
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